BemyGirl videos (02.2023)
In order to further improve the experience on BemyGirl, we are pleased to introduce the integration of videos in the girls' profiles. From now on, in addition to photos and stories, you will be able to discover multiple videos in each profile.

Our team of professionals will travel to the escorts' homes to film and photograph them, in order to offer you authentic videos, without retouching or filters. This BemyGirl exclusivity allows you to discover the models in motion with their natural beauty, to appreciate their charm and their personality.

The videos are made with taste, respect for the woman and with an artistic eye to offer you a unique experience. We are convinced that this new feature will strengthen our connection with you and we hope that many of you will discover and enjoy our videos. We hope that you will take as much pleasure as we have in making these videos and that you will continue to discover new features on BemyGirl.